International Students

Embark on a transformative educational voyage with ESPM, where your choices span from a single enriching semester to the pursuit of a prestigious dual degree, or even a comprehensive program that promises a world of opportunities. Discover a wealth of information that awaits you, unveiling the boundless potential of your academic journey.

Here you are going to find more information on how.


Before starting the application process, reach out to your home university’s International Office. They will provide you with essential information on how they collaborate with us and the specific selection requirements and deadlines.

After that, decide whether you want to apply as a visiting student (tuition-paying) or as an exchange student. The latter usually involves a nomination by your home university, while the former may not.

Initiate the application process by clicking on the “Apply Now” button. Make sure to complete the online application form as per the provided instructions given.


Please be aware that all applications require the submission of supplementary documents alongside the completed form by the deadline. Below is a list of the documents that must be included with your application:

Ensure that these documents are sent to [email protected] before the given deadline. Any failure to submit the required documents will result in non-acceptance.


Application Seasons:

First half of October for the Spring Semester (February to June).

First half of April  for the Fall Semester (August to December).

Please note that late applications will not be accepted.

Once your application is processed, we will notify you regarding your acceptance and provide further details on student visa procedures, course registration, and accommodation arrangements.First half of October


Each semester, we provide a limited selection of courses taught in English at São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro campuses, focusing on business management and international relations. To discover previous offerings or to stay informed about upcoming courses, please reach out to us.

For courses conducted in English or Spanish, a minimum B2 language proficiency in the respective language is necessary.

Additionally, students who wish to explore ESPM’s comprehensive array of courses in Portuguese must have a B2-level proficiency in the Portuguese language.

Start of the Classes

The academic year is structured around two distinct semesters. The first semester commences in February and concludes at the end of June, while the second semester spans from August to the middle of December.

Please refer to the side panel for the upcoming semester’s class dates at each ESPM campus. It’s important to note that these dates are subject to change without prior notice as they are preliminary predictions.

São Paulo

August 5th to December 13th, 2024

Rio de Janeiro

August 5th to December 13th, 2024

Admission Letters

All acceptance letters will be emailed to all applicant students after the application deadline has passed. If needed and upon previous request, hard copies will be dispatched to the Academic Office of your home university by November 1st, 2024.

Courses Instructed in Foreign Languages - 2025/1

The courses below is from undergraduate programs instructed in each campus. You can mix classes from different programs at the same campus. Remember that it is not ESPM’s responsibility to assure the recognition and good use of the subjects attended during the semester of the exchange program; this is an exclusive decision of your home institution and you. In this context, we suggest you obtain the orientation of the International Relations Office or from an Academic Advisor at your institution to verify the course validations. Changes on this list may occur without previous notice.



The Business Administration program at ESPM is tailor-made for passionate individuals with a zeal for leadership, offering a transformative journey into the realms of strategic management and entrepreneurship. Our students receive intensive training in areas including marketing, business, innovation, and technology, equipping them with the skills to create value and make a positive social impact. Explore the courses available in the English language, along with their detailed syllabi, below:

Psychology and Organizational Behavior; Group behaviour and team leadership; challenges for collaboration in heterogeneous teams, power, conflict.
People Management: concept, importance, historical evolution, perspectives, current challenges, trends and main processes;
Strategic Human Resources Planning: HR in the digital world; Human Resources systems and processes: recruitment and selection; performance evaluation; compensation/remuneration, incentive and benefits programs; corporative education; career and quality of working life.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)

Analysis of the internal environment. Macro and Microenvironment. Diagnosis. Prognosis. Goals. Strategic and Action Plan. Marketing Metrics. Schedule and feasibility of marketing plan.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)



The ESPM International Relations course beautifully blends the classic foundations of diplomacy, encompassing essential areas like law, economics, and political science, with a modern twist. In addition to these traditional pillars, we supercharge your diplomat's toolkit with specialized courses in international marketing, finance, metrics, business modeling, and in-depth country studies. This unique combination is what sets our course—and you—apart from the rest, cultivating a distinct identity as a corporate diplomat. Explore the courses available in both English and Spanish, along with their comprehensive syllabi, below:

History of the European integration process. Organs of the European Union and their functioning. Europe in international relations: Common Foreign and Security Policy. Economic and Monetary Union: Euro. Major countries in the region. Future perspectives and regional governance.

Credits: 2 (36 hours of contact class)


Financial management. Economic-financial statements. Cash flow planning. Analysis of economic and financial reports. Cost of Capital. Value-based valuation. Capital structure. Working capital and current asset management. Management of current liabilities.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)


La política y la economía impactan a las instituciones, así como a la ley que, a su vez, estructura y disciplina tales interacciones. Es posible observar que el resultado simbiótico de la evolución de estas esferas refleja esta interdependencia. La política y la economía influyen en la relación entre diferentes grupos y actores internacionales, generando la necesidad de normas regulatorias. Dichas normas están permeadas por la soberanía de los Estados y la igualdad formal entre ellos, a fin de evitar tratos discriminatorios en sus relaciones comerciales, así como proteger valores externos al comercio que se relacionan con éste, como el medio ambiente, la salud y seguridad. Las relaciones comerciales internacionales en este contexto tienen su fundamento jurídico tanto en los tratados como en las prácticas reiteradas de sus agentes. Este curso abordará temas relevantes para la regulación del comercio internacional desde la perspectiva de la OMC, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial, sus principios y reglas de liberalización y prácticas comerciales justas y su influencia en el desempeño empresarial.

Creditos: 4 (72 horas de enseñanza)


Concept and characteristics of international organizations. Global governance. International regimes. Differentiation, definition and theories. Multilateralism, trade and the international financial system in the international business scenario. Specific international regimes related to global thematic and impact on international business.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)



Analysis of the internal environment and marketing strategies in use. Macro and microenvironment. Diagnosis. Prognosis. Goals. Strategic and tactical marketing plans. Schedule, budget and feasibility of the marketing plan.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)



Structure of the international system; distribution of power, powers; state and non-state actors; major themes on the international agenda (security, development, human rights, environment and climate change).

Study of factors of instability and uncertainties that affect companies internationally. Identify economic, political, legal and socio-cultural variables in international business decisions.

Credits: 2 (36 hours of contact class).

The IPO process and the creation of a public company. The role of rating agencies and stock analysts. Conflicts between agents and principals. Corporate governance, investor relations and market communication. Presentation to the market and roadshows. Elements of a presentation for investors.

Credits: 2 (36 hours of contact class).

Why is it essential to be able to look to the future? Tools and methods of a prospective analysis. As reports planned from options, political and social. Elements of prospective study: uncertainty, cognition, surprises. Analysis of references to major contemporary strategic problems.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)


Analysis and discussion of strategic problems present in current global issues to understand the challenges related to the professional’s performance, relating to economy, politics and society.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class).


Impacto de la cultura en las negociaciones internacionales. Dinámica de trabajo en grupos multiculturales y el impacto de perfiles de relación en los negocios internacionales. Relevancia de la comunicación y percepción del tiempo en los negocios internacionales. Mentalidad global. Funcionamiento de equipos globales y contextos de diversidad en la articulación con competencias interculturales. Rol de los líderes en los negocios internacionales. Liderazgo, Inteligencia Emocional y Comunicación en la construcción de Carreras sin fronteras. Cultura y clima en las organizaciones.

Creditos: 2 (36 horas de enseñanza).

Unidad 1
Funciones comunicativas: Saludar. Presentarse. Solicitar datos personales. Gramática: Alfabeto (letras, sonidos y pronunciación). Género y número de sustantivos y adjetivos. Verbos en tiempo presente usados para presentarse. Vocabulario: Saludos. Datos personales. Nacionalidades Contenidos socioculturales: La lengua española en el mundo. El panorama lingüístico en España y América Latina. Aspectos culturales de algunos países hispanos. Nombres y apellidos comunes en Hispanoamérica.
Unidad 2
Funciones comunicativas: Dirigirse adecuadamente al interlocutor. Habla de ti y del otro. Gramática: Pronombres personales. Trato informal y formal. Declaraciones. Vocabulario: Palabras utilizadas para la descripción física y de la personalidad. Profesiones. Contenidos socioculturales: Diversidad étnica en los países hispanoamericanos.
Unidad 3
Habla sobre la familia y las relaciones personales. Gramática: Posesivos. Números cardinales y ordinales. Usos de muy y mucho. Vocabulario: Expresiones relacionadas con la familia y las relaciones personales. Contenidos socioculturales: Diversidad étnica. Nuevos modelos familiares.
Unidad 4
Funciones comunicativas: Hablar de la rutina: hábitos, actividades y tiempo libre. Consultar horarios. Hablar de la casa y del entorno geográfico. Gramática: Tiempo presente: verbos regulares e irregulares. Verbos de existencia, posesión y ubicación. Adverbios de lugar. El gerundio perífrasis Vocabulario: Referencias temporales: horas, días, meses, estaciones. Actividades relacionadas con la vida cotidiana y el ocio. Tipos de vivienda. Partes de la casa. Contenidos socioculturales: Vida cotidiana y costumbres en algunos países hispanos.

Creditos: 4 (72 horas de enseñanza)

The course is designed for international students without prior formal instruction in the language. This program aims to develop speaking, writing, reading and listening skills through activities compatible with A1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Besides the language, learners are introduced to some aspects of national culture.

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contatc class).

Unidad 1
Funciones comunicativas: Lectura, interpretación y elaboración de textos narrativos desde diferentes puntos de vista. Establecer comparaciones entre el pasado y el presente. Contenidos gramaticales: Repaso de algunos verbos en Presente de Indicativo y sistematización del Pretérito Imperfecto de Indicativo. Comparativos.
Unidad 2
Funciones comunicativas: Análisis y crítica de la información periodística. Estudio sobre el género informativo. Elaboración de noticias periodísticas. Biografías. Vocabulario: partes de la noticia. Contenido gramatical: Pasado perfecto simple (verbos regulares e irregulares).
Unidad 3
Elaboración de diferentes géneros relacionados con el mundo laboral, tales como: publicidad, currículum, oferta de trabajo, etc. Discusión sobre las diferentes relaciones de trabajo. Narración de experiencias personales. Vocabulario: Profesiones y términos relacionados con el mundo del trabajo. Contenidos gramaticales: Pasado perfecto simple (formas y usos), participio (verbos regulares e irregulares).
Unidad 4
Expresión de gustos y preferencias, comentarios sobre diferentes tipos de viajes, planificación de un viaje, descripción de ciudades turísticas. Vocabulario: Palabras relacionadas con el mundo del turismo. Contenidos gramaticales: Verbo doler; verbos de afecto y creencia: gustar, querer, amar, parecer, preferir, etc.

Creditos: 4 (72 horas de enseñanza).



Fundamentos del Derecho Internacional Público. Delimitación e interpenetración de las esferas del derecho internacional y del derecho interno. Fuentes del Derecho Internacional Público. Personalidad internacional. Estado. Individuo. Generaciones o dimensiones de los Derechos Humanos. Características de los Derechos Humanos. Aplicación del aparato normativo del Derecho Internacional Público y de los Derechos Humanos.

Dynamics of global innovation; Internationalization of R&D; Management of innovation teams and R&D units.

English Business: present the topic, understand its relevance for leaders in decisionmaking. Enable students to self-diagnose their English level to divide groups with balanced abilities.


The design program at ESPM is for those connected to creativity, innovation, culture, and the market. Our curriculum explores design in its broad market potential, addressing everything from strategic and innovative perspectives to the practical development of projects such as brand identities, magazines, packaging, typography, 3D, UX, UI, product design, and service design. We combine creativity, sensitivity, mastery of various languages, and socio-environmental responsibility with the ability to solve the problems and demands of today's society.

This course will address the development of dynamic identities adaptable across logos, typography, and visual systems.

Participants will engage in projects guided by well-defined rules, fostering the creation of versatile and innovative visual frameworks. They will explore both analog and digital tools for documentation, idea generation, and presentation.

By the course’s conclusion, students will have crafted a collection of individual projects, including animations, alongside a collaborative group endeavor centered on crafting a cohesive visual identity. This group project will yield a series of key visuals unified by a consistent visual language.


Credits: 2 (36 hours of contact class)

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

-Apply the fundamentals of visual perception by experimenting and creating innovative manual projects with ink and paint, and digital projects with contemporary technologies.

-Master visual literacy by creating manual and digital projects with the expression of own language that consider figure-ground relationships; law of similarity; law of proximity; law of continuity; visual balance; perceptual and spatial effects of tonal values; static and dynamic visual values.

Understand visual syntax by discussing and presenting a seminar on its basic concepts.


Credits: 2 (36 hours of contact class)

At the end of the course, the students should be able to 

-Apply fundamentals of composition by experimenting and creating innovative manual projects with ink and paint, and digital projects with contemporary technologies;

-Master visual literacy by creating manual and digital projects with the expression of own language that consider the concept of composition, concept of balance, the three types of balance, with axis, radial and hidden balance, harmony, rhythm using module and rhythm using grid.

Credits: 2 (36 hours of contact class)

At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Use the technical terms of color appropriately in the production of visual works, building the basis of Itten’s Color Chart;
  • Understand the formation of hues, mixing paints based on Itten’s Color Chart;
  • Understand the different aspects of color perception, both objective and subjective, justifying chromatic choices appropriately when constructing color palettes for design;
  • Solve visual communication problems using color contrasts appropriately, developing visual projects that use specific color contrasts that work on elements of chromatic communication;
  • Know color management, printing test of a color palette;
  • Understand the dynamics of colors in the market and the concept of color trends, generating mood boards with color trend palettes.

Credits: 2 (36 hours of contact class)

The goal of this course is to take the students to onsite art exhibitions, focusing on Brazilian artists, happening in São Paulo, having reflections about these exhibitions and artistic Brazilian expression.

Starting with discussions on the Aesthetic Experience, based on philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804) and neuroscience, the first reflections focus on understanding concepts of art. A schedule of art exhibitions on show will be programmed each semester. Each student will develop a personal online journal about the visits done, with reflections based on class discussions, using the app Book Creator

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)



Business Administration at ESPM is for those passionate about leadership and who seek to acquire transformative knowledge in strategic management and entrepreneurship. Students receive training focused on marketing, business, innovation and technology, as well as how to generate value and social impact. See the courses available in the English language, as well as its syllabi below:

Basic Marketing Concepts: Desire, Need, Supply, Value, Loyalty, Satisfaction, Demand. Holistic Marketing. Segmentation and definition of target markets. Brand positioning. The business product: physical goods and services. Pricing of products and services. Distribution of products and services in the market. Integrated communication management. The impact of marketing on society. 

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class).


ESPM Design is for those who like culture and the market: they are interested in art, photography and fashion, as well as brands, magazines, packaging, animation, and websites, among other products in the visual universe. In this program, we work on the design's strategic potential, combining creativity, sensitivity, mastery of languages, innovation and social responsibility to a comprehensive project vision.
See the courses available in the English language, as well as its syllabi below:

(To be released soon)

Credits: 4 (72 hours of contact class)



Embark on a semester-long journey in the vibrant city of Rio de Janeiro, designed to provide a deep understanding of the latest trends and challenges in Latin American business. This comprehensive program focuses on innovation, branding, and marketing, tailored to equip students with the practical skills to navigate the dynamic business landscape of this region. Whether you're a student from one of our partner universities (eligible for tuition-free exchange) or a visiting student from a non-partner institution, this program offers an unparalleled opportunity to immerse yourself in critical topics such as new business models, international branding strategies, and regional marketing practices. This program features a fixed curriculum with integrated modules, and course selection or modification is unavailable. Additionally, the course will only proceed if a minimum quorum is met.

The course explores new business models made possible by the combination of creativity, innovation, and digital technologies. These models have proven to be highly competitive, fostering the development of a new network-based economy. To delve deeper into the subject, the course will cover major topics such as: 1) New Business Models; 2) Business Ecosystems; 3) Strategic Positioning within Business Ecosystems; and 4) Scenario Planning.


Objectives of this course: understand the key factors on International Branding
management. Content: Global Market trends; international brand expansion

and brand equity (brand loyalty, brand awareness, brand associations, perceived
quality) creation; intercultural differences (organizational and personal impacts);
strategic opportunities on cross-countries synergies.

This course will provide students with a comprehensive
overview of the marketing strategies adopted in Brazil
and other Latin American countries, analysing real cases
and exploring best practices to overcome challenges
and seize opportunities in this region.

Gain an understanding of the main aspects that differentiate
services from products and their impact on the formulation
of marketing strategies and the management of operations
in service companies, using companies operating in the
Brazilian market as an example.

Focused on presenting promotional trends in the
technology field, consumer interaction, social media
use, and innovation in general, the course aims to guide
brands, through theoretical content and case studies,
to resonate with their target audience and potential


These are practical-theoretical courses offered by ESPM Applied Learning Labs in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, focusing on projects within three major fields: Business, Social Impact, and Communication. The primary goal is to enable students to apply fundamental theories and concepts while engaging with real-world projects in these three areas. Students have the freedom to select the project or lab they wish to participate in, where they will receive guidance from ESPM professors and collaborate with our Brazilian undergraduate students.
Please note that available spots for these projects are limited each semester, and assignments will be confirmed on a first-come, first-served basis once the semester commences.


Students will work alongside esteemed laboratory partners, including Danone, In Consultancy of Brands, and Caloi, in the dynamic fields of trend analysis and consumer behavior research.

Students will engage in a variety of photography-related tasks, including crafting photo essays, capturing photojournalistic content at both ESPM and external events, producing images for Plural magazine, and undertaking specialized thematic photography projects.

As part of their involvement in the Journalism Program, students will collaborate with ComCorp, the dedicated corporate communication laboratory agency. This collaboration involves the development of real communication plans for clients, which include non-governmental organizations with a community-centric focus and innovative startups.

Students will work on producing journalistic content in alternative formats and new languages that blend the realms of arts and media. They will have hands-on experience with a diverse range of formats, including 360-degree videos, augmented reality, games, artificial intelligence, and even street art such as graffiti on walls.

Students will actively engage in the development of an internet-based interview program characterized by its youthful and dynamic language. Their involvement spans the entire production process, encompassing concept creation, scripting, production, recording, editing, and promotion. Within this collaborative effort, students take on various roles, including reporters, hosts, and producers. The program features interviews with distinguished figures in the arts and communication fields, providing students with the opportunity to interact with prominent professionals and gain valuable insights.

Students will actively contribute to crafting social media content tailored for the course’s presence on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. This content is designed to resonate with the language and style commonly found on social media, featuring a blend of eye-catching photos, engaging videos, and concise text. The primary focus of this content revolves around advertising and journalism courses, with the aim of generating materials that pique the interest of those enrolled in or considering these programs.

Arenas is a dynamic laboratory space that cultivates students’ expertise in strategy, creativity, and content creation by immersing them in real projects structured within the innovative Hub format. Throughout these projects, students will engage in every aspect, with a particular emphasis on conducting comprehensive market studies and crafting strategic recommendations for the global expansion of these brands.

Students will be involved in a range of activities related to projects with socio-environmental impact, including:

  1. Research: Engaging in in-depth research to assess and understand projects with socio-environmental significance.

  2. Mentoring and Consulting: Providing guidance and support through monitoring and consulting for projects, businesses, or organizations that are dedicated to making a positive socio-environmental impact.

  3. Content Development: Creating valuable research and content to enhance the mentoring and consulting process, and producing informative follow-up reports to assess progress and outcomes.

Students will have the unique opportunity to select one of four regional study groups with a concentration on international business in the Americas, Asia, Europe, and the Middle West. Within these regional groups, students will actively engage in seminars, debates, and the exploration of research topics. These studies will encompass various factors that may impact negotiations and business environments, including politics, economics, and societal dynamics.

Students will actively participate in both open and structured debate formats, taking part in argumentation classes and engaging in the creation of written texts and publications. These activities revolve around a variety of themes related to contemporary democratic life, offering students a comprehensive understanding of and involvement in current issues and discussions.

Students will be responsible for closely monitoring and assessing political, economic, cultural, and environmental risks relevant to the realm of international business.

Students will have the valuable opportunity to engage in market research, curate content for social media platforms, and create educational marketing projects targeted towards low-income entrepreneurs and young individuals.

Students will actively participate in mentoring visits to small entrepreneurs, collaborate on partnership proposals for mentoring programs in the chosen theme, and engage in a comparative study of mentoring programs, examining the differences and similarities between Brazil and their home country.

The NUFI group conducts research on the financial well-being of NGOs and OSCIPs (Civil Society Organizations of Public Interest) by analyzing their financial statements. Additionally, it explores the dynamics of the Agribusiness sector in Brazil and the evolution of credit mechanisms within the country. Students will colaborate in the development of NUFI.

Students will engage in research related to the Digital Transformation of Brazilian companies, contributing to both its development and dissemination. This research can manifest in two primary ways:

  1. Development of the Research: This encompasses the creation of scientific articles, DIGI articles, podcasts, and webinars that delve into various aspects of digital transformation in Brazilian companies.

  2. Dissemination of the Research: Students will also take an active role in sharing their research findings through various social media platforms, ensuring that the insights and knowledge are accessible to a wider audience.

Students will actively participate in hands-on classes focused on Adobe software, covering various skills including image editing with Adobe Photoshop, video editing using Adobe Premiere, digital illustration, and visual composition with Adobe Illustrator. It’s important to note that the course starts with the basic module, and no prior knowledge of any of the software is required.

Additionally, students will have the opportunity to engage in Adobe Creative Cloud courses, including Image Editing in Adobe Photoshop, Video Editing with Adobe Premiere, and Graphic Design using Adobe Illustrator. These courses are designed for beginners, so there are no prerequisites to get started.

Experimental design and lettering projects. Experimental graphic and lettering visual pieces.

The student will participate with a team in visual communication projects, like logo creation, branding, visual identity, social media posts, posters, banners, among other projects which are briefed by a real client.

Students will engage in a variety of projects centered around the fashion business. No prior experience is necessary, and students from all academic backgrounds are welcome. The program includes trend research, fashion production, editorial work, event planning, social media strategy, technical visits, and hands-on courses in sewing and basic modeling.


This course is designed for university students, including those of diverse nationalities, with the aim of enabling them to apply their academic knowledge to social innovation projects that address global complexities and diversities. Through the service learning methodology, students will be involved in practical experiences that integrate theoretical learning and community service, fostering a deep understanding of social issues and the ability to develop sustainable solutions. 

Grading System and Enrolment

Grades and Attendance: To successfully complete a course, students are required to maintain a minimum attendance rate of 75% (seventy-five percent) for classes and activities and achieve a final grade equal to or greater than 7.0 (seven) out of 10.

Prerequisites: Some courses may have prerequisites, and it's essential to ensure you meet all of these requirements when they are specified.

Syllabus: The syllabus will be provided to students upon admission or upon prior request.

First-Come, First-Served: Enrollment is subject to availability and will be allocated by the academic office based on the order of requests. Please be aware that there is no guarantee of course availability, and changes or cancellations are not permitted after the second week of classes.

Courses Instructed in Portuguese Language

Select your preferred campus, then click on the course name. Finally, click on 'Matriz Curricular' to view the program's full list of disciplines.

For additional information, feel free to contact our team in charge of incoming students:

[email protected]
+55 (11) 5085 6654
Monday to Friday, from 9am to 6pm.