On April 02, the ESPM launches the Research Ethics Committee (CEP). The meeting presented to the faculty, students and researches the relevance of the ethics in research and the institutional role of the Committee.
The Dean of Research, Prof ª. Dr. Cristina Helena P. De Mello, reported the institutional development of CEP and the relevance for undergraduate and graduate research at ESPM.
Prof. Dr. Eduardo E. Spers, president of the CEP ESPM, showed the organization of the Committee and the application procedures, he also presented the legal instruments, such as resolution 510 of CONEP (National Commission for Ethics in Research) and the Plataforma Brasil (governmental agency software).

The meeting had the lecture of Profa. Dra. Livia Armentano Koenigstein Zago, faculty of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities at University of São Paulo, about the ethics in scientific research when it involves human participants. She also explained the context in Brazil and the importance not only for health and biological studies, but also for social sciences. Dra. Zago argued that the Committee holds a key part in guarding the rights and dignity of scientific research participants.
The CEP ESPM was approved in 2018 by the National Ethics Commission, which is a governmental agency for monitoring research projects involving human participants.
ESPM is the first Brazilian university that has organized a research ethics committee in marketing, business and social science disciplines. The ESPM CEP applications procedures and regulations are available on the WWW site http://cep.espm.br